My View

This Saturday (FEB 3rd) is your opportunity to see my new exhibit at the Downtown main library and to see Urban Blues play that night at Touch of Europe.

I will be present from 10:30 AM until NOON on Saturday for questions and sale, so you can stop by anytime. I will also be bringing some newer pieces that were not displayed in the exhibit.

Urban Blues will start playing at 9 PM. Last month when they played they packed the house, so come on down.



The Upfront Gallery/Roberts St. Studio is hosting
it’s second annual “Erotica Exhibition”, opening on
Feb 14th. 
Upfront Gallery
512 Broadway
Fargo, ND

“Bondage Queen” is my featured piece in the exhibit. I won’t make the reception but if any of you are headed that way, check it out. This is my first group exhibit in Fargo. I never knew.



This is a picture of Lezzzzzzzzzzlee Unrat and the Thune daughters at a purity ball in 2005. Where’s John? Probably running around with his girlfriend.

Hat Tip Clean Cut Kid



Reader photos not interesting, newsworthy
Published: January 29, 2007

I agree with Brian Kaufmann’s rant about readers’ photos not being newsworthy. When I heard of this new segment, I thought we would see some incredible photography. There’s been a few. Looking at these photos is about as interesting as watching your second cousin’s slide show of in-laws on vacation. Get rid of them.


. . . Barb pointed this out to me.

A month ago I decided to interject a knickname into my cartoons between my first and last name. I’ve seen other cartoonists do it, and thought it was funny. Since I started doing it, I have noticed a lot of my friends comment on it, and they like the EXTRA laugh. Some of the knicknames are inside jokes, but I try to make them so other people will understand them too.

I noticed that Jason Folkerts has taken up this practice. Though I should be mad about it, Barb does make a good point. Seems ironic, since Jason once told me he doesn’t pay much attention to my toons.


Jason Folkerts did a similiar one today in the paper, so I was a little too late to get mine in, oh well, it’s not that funny anyway. I’ve always thought of Dave as a Jackass instead of a Skunk.


Ahhh, cartoons America’s only native art form. I don’t count jazz because it sucks.

~ Bart Simpson

Hat tip, Rich.




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