Wed 25 Apr 2007
Posted by admin under My View, Uncategorized
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, on Monday said, in response to Cheney’s remarks about him “I’m not going to get in a name calling match with a guy who has a 9% approval rating.”
It was like comedy hour on CNN last night. More Laughs: Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich introduced articles to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney Tuesday, basing his decision on Cheney’s initial push to send the United States into war with Iraq. “The vice president is beating the same drums of war against Iran that he beat against Iraq under false pretenses, and he’s doing it all over again, against Iran,” Kucinich said. “And I say that it’s time to stand up to that. Our country couldn’t afford this last war. We can’t afford to go into another one. And somebody has to challenge the conduct of this Vice President.”