The proof is in the pudding. In Hoffman’s letter below he ‘claims’ they ‘considered’ releasing the names. That’s an interesting LIE, since on March 20, 2007 Merhib sent me this email saying those names wouldn’t be released:

Subject: RE: Arts Night Rejection
Date: March 20, 2007 4:19:27 PM CDT


As was mentioned in the letter that was mailed out, “The volunteer jurors considered several key criteria while reviewing artwork. It was exciting because the quality of the pieces presented for consideration was amazing. However, with this event quality is not the sole criteria. Additional criteria included variety in media, content, and buyer appeal. It was a most difficult challenge to select from those 90 pieces approximately 60 that would be included in the live auction.”

The jurors selected are members of the community and friends of the arts. The jurors are anonymous because of the nature of this fundraising event.

Thank you again.

Best regards,
