I found this info on the Abstinence Clearing House website, in the ‘resource library’ area:


POSTED: JUL 19, 2007

Democrat presidential candidate Barack Obama told Planned Parenthood last week that he supports sex education for kindergarten children, bringing a sharp rebuke from Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Without mentioning marriage, Obama quickly added, however, that he didn’t want his own daughters to view sex as a casual activity. Planned Parenthood itself advocates explicit instruction in areas such as terminology and the definition of family for early elementary students that would offend many of their parents.

Romney countered with a strong statement of support for abstinence instruction in the classroom.

Though most of this is TRUE, the statement “Planned Parenthood itself advocates explicit instruction in areas such as terminology” is questionable. That is a very vague statement to make. When I researched my art/grant project about sexuality, I went to PP for research. In their lobby they had many brochures for teens and their parents about sex, guess what was on the first page of these brochures ‘abstinence’. As for explicit terminology, I hardly think words like ‘penis’ and ‘vagina’ are damaging to young kids, and if you are a parent that is offended by those words, maybe you shouldn’t have procreated.

Stop the bullshit.