
First off, I think most people would agree that when minors are exposed to pornography, it isn’t healthy for their psyche, BUT if grown, mature adults want to watch that stuff in their hotel rooms, that is their business. I’m not one to defend Lodgenet or the porn industry, because the porn industry doesn’t have the best reputation, but I am a defender of the 1st Amendment, and when we start policing adults that are LEGALLY viewing this material, I have to say we have gone to far.

What I can’t figure out is why would this organization go after a PAY PER VIEW business, when you can see this stuff for free on Primetime, any night of the week? Sure there isn’t any nudity, but the sexual inuendos are there. In fact there is a lot of garbage on TV that doesn’t have to do with sex at all.

People need to realize we live in a FREE society, mind your own f’ckin business.