
I’m not saying I’m for or against hiring new police officers. I guess if the need is there, it is a no-brainer, hire more and don’t worry about the funding. Isn’t public safety one of our number one concerns as taxpayers?

What makes Munson’s veto so ironic is his lame excuse that the money isn’t there. Really, last I checked we are throwing away half a million on pretty new windows for the Pavilion so we can save $19,000 a year in energy costs (a fictitious number).

Sure the city should take care of the property it owns, but if you do a quick inspection of the Pavilion’s exterior, you will see less then 10 windows have been boarded up.

Doesn’t it seem we should fix what we need to and spend the rest of that money on public safety?

Our Mayor and City council need to get a clue.