Tue 11 Jul 2006
Posted by admin under My View, Uncategorized
[2] Comments
What works better at uniting and strengthening a society?
Trust me, this isn’t a question I have an answer to I just wanted to open up a debate on it.
It seems when civilizations have embraced art and music (with science and exploration), they lasted longer and seem to be more progressive in their ideas and politics. They also seem to be more socially minded (but not Marxist).
In America we have closed our eyes to culture and use religion (particularly Christianity) to unite America.
The results: mass division.
Americans are more divided today then ever, on such topics as the war in Iraq, abortion and gay marriage. Censorship seems to be running amuck.
Our failure lies in out gradual decline of art in our lives. There are many contributors:
• Infatuation with professional sports
• NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) gives money to Art organizations INSTEAD of individual artists. The orgs usually squander it on administrative costs.
• Art and culture is viewed as an elitist activity.
• Decline of arts education in our public school system and decline of qualified teachers.
• Universities and Colleges encouraging artists to become teachers or professors instead of professional artists. This has produced a recycling program of the same traditions in art instead of new ideas.
• Conservatism has become popular. Conservatives view art as a ‘liberal’ activity.
• Capitalism and art. People only consider artists ‘good’ if they have attained wealth through selling their art. (Ex: Terry Redlin, Thomas Kincade)
Can America have both? Can we be people of different faiths and still understand and enjoy art, even if the themes are challenging?
Give me you views:Â fb.art@sio.midco.net or COMMENT above.