

I BLOG on a couple local conservative sites. Mostly to see what the ignorant are up to in our state. What I love the best is the names they call me. These are a few:

• Pseudo-commie

• Europe lover

• Socialist

• Leftist

• Union backer

Europe lover (this is my favorite). It’s fun to read their ‘Opinions’ I call them that, because they have no facts to backup their arguments, resort to name-calling and then use morality to prove they are right. My favorite was this line by Greg Belfridge “Abortion should be illegal because it is wrong!” Um, ok, that argument is good enough for me, though there is mountains of scentific proof a fertilized egg doesn’t form into a human being until several weeks after conception. Greg also went on to say “I became a Catholic because of Abortion.” Um, ok, again. I guess it had nothing to do with Jesus dying on the cross for your sins, etc, etc. I found that comment a bit strange, I found it even stranger that a Christian wouldn’t even use the bible to back up his arguments. I was going to write him back and say “I became a deist because of NASCAR.” Makes sense, right?