The Argus printed a letter I wrote w/a corresponding cartoon I also did. Looked pretty cool. Maybe I can get those SculptureWalk elitists to Annie up.


 Am I the only one that finds it suspicious that SculptureWalk’s judges/jurors must remain secret? What is SculptureWalk trying to hide?

Could it be some of the jurors have direct conflicts of interest with the city and the sculpture placements?

I think the director, Jim Clark should make the names known, since it receives approximately 25% of it’s funding from the public. It is common place for public and even private galleries to make jurors names known to submitting artists and the public. Is Sioux Falls any different?

Is any of this really surprising from a director who claims to be the ‘Founder’ of an idea that was completely lifted from Grand Junction, Colorado?

Great art like great government comes from transparency. Maybe in Sioux Falls we appreciate neither.

Scott L. Ehrisman
FOUNDER – SFAPR (Sioux Falls Artists for Public Responsibility)