Mon 19 Feb 2007
Posted by admin under My View, Uncategorized
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The Argus printed this today, but not with the cartoon.
By Scott L. Ehrisman, founder, Sioux Falls Artists for Public Responsibility
I’ll admit I’m a skeptic, especially when it comes to a ton of dough being thrown around. But like most Sioux Falls residents, I am willing to look past where T. Denny Sanford’s wealth came from. It is no doubt his gift will be positive for most of us who live in this prairie village. We heard the news stories: population growth, economic development, higher-paying jobs, the list goes on. Finally, our future is looking very promising. Almost metropolitan?
The local news has been oozing with stories about all the great things that will happen in Sioux Falls due to our new metro status.
But what really makes a city metropolitan? Chic shops and restaurants? Sure.
World-class researchers, doctors and scientists moving to town? Getting warmer.
What distinguishes a metropolitan city from just another stop on the interstate is its arts and culture community. Don’t get me wrong. To the protest of some, we already have built the facilities and started programs we need to put on world-class arts events and exhibits, so the base is there. But before we start calling Sioux Falls ‘metro,’ we need to replace our arts community’s stodgy and crusty leadership with young, progressive, creative minds that want to push arts and culture in our community forward. This means we need to give up some stuff, too, like art organization dictatorships, censorship, secrecy and back stabbing.
Art in a metropolitan community should be challenging, engaging and exciting for all ages and walks of life, not just those who collect Franklin Mint statues and NASCAR memorabilia. It should be willing to take on new dimensions and go down uncharted paths, and it always should be fresh, original and edgy. This means new arts leadership that is willing to take chances and not be afraid of the public but also involve them in the transformation with truthfulness and patience. Honesty always will be appreciated by your constituents.
So the next time someone says Sioux Falls is going to be the next metropolitan arts mecca, ask them if they are ready for regime change. I know I am.
Thank you to T. Denny Sanford.