A peace rally commemorating the anniversary of the day the United States entered Iraq will be 1 to 3 p.m. March 18 in front of the U.S. Courthouse at 13th Street and Phillips Avenue.

Sponsor is the South Dakota Peace & Justice Center.

The public rally also provides a platform to voice opposition to the administration’s goal to enter into war with Iran.

“Support Our Troops – Bring Them Home” has invited representatives from Disabled American Veterans, the Veterans Administration and each congressional office.

Anyone who is part of an organization that would like to speak out should contact organizers.

There will be room for peace groups to set up tables to disseminate materials. The Department of Peace and the A.N.S.W.E.R. coalition will have tables.

A politically themed art exhibit and reception will be at Michelle’s Coffeehouse, 324 S. Phillips Avenue, 3-5 p.m. March 18.

Political cartoonist Scott Ehrisman and feminist artist Joy Crane are helping to seek out artists to participate. For information, contact SDPJC at Box 116, Sioux Falls 57101; 743-5647, or


If you want to display any artwork, let me know: